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Arsène Zongo

Ph.D. (doctor),  Regular member
Principal Interest
Rx (cannabis, opioids, ionic channels)
Secondary Interest
Primary Affiliation

Université Laval

Secondary Affiliation
Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec-Université Laval (CHU de Québec - U. Laval)

Subscription date
10 December 2020


Arsène Zongo is an assistant professor at the faculty of pharmacy at Laval University and a researcher at the CHU de Quebec research center (Population Health and Optimal Health Practices Axis). He holds a Pharm.D from the University of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso completed in 2008. He first worked as a pharmacist for the French AIDS Research Agency (ANRS) in Burkina Faso for the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of treatments to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV (March 2009-August 2011). He then completed a master's and a doctorate in pharmacoepidemiology at Laval University (September 2011- January 2016), then postdoctoral training at the University of Alberta (July 2017-August 2018).
From September 2018, Arsène worked as a senior pharmacoepidemiologist for Health Canada, a permanent position he left in December of the same year to join the faculty of pharmacy at Laval University in January 2019.
His research interests focus on evaluating the effects of cannabis in cohorts of patients using cannabis for medical purposes. He also works on issues related to the optimal use of treatments.