QPRN structure

We aim at achieving this mission through cohesive efforts between a group of 90 researchers associated to the four University Health Networks (Réseaux universitaires intégrés de santé; RUIS) of the province of Quebec: Université Laval, McGill University, Université de Montréal and Université de Sherbrooke, and to the Université du Québec network and Concordia University.

Schema scientifique EN 2022

strategic initiatives

In line with our vision, mission and overall objectives, the strategic initiatives described below were identified following consultation with our members at our general assembly. Our research program covers a continuum from preclinical research to translational components, to clinical analyzes and finally to knowledge transfer to stakeholders.

Quebec consortium on mapping of pain circuits

RQRD initiativesENG Plan de travail 1

Director : Reza Sharif

This initiative focuses on the development and use of molecular tools to control the activity of nociceptors involved in the feeling of pain. To do so, the team is directing its efforts towards the design and validation of tools that can decrease or stop the activity of nociceptors by making sure to consider inter-species differences. See the publications.

Initiative members

Quebec consortium on adverse effects of pain medications

RQRD initiativesENG 02

Director : Mélanie Bérubé

This group is interested in the tools for studying adverse effects and the concerns of patients and healthcare professionals in order to document the practices and continuum of care for improved management of the adverse effects of analgesics. See the publications.

Initiative membres

Quebec back pain consortium

RQRD IS3 EN persistent

Director : Jean-Sébastien Roy

This initiative aims to understand the biopsychosocial risk factors that underlie the transition from acute low back pain to persistentlow back pain in people living in Quebec. The studies will be possible thanks to the creation of a longitudinal database coupled with a biobank which currently has more than 3,500 patients and 13 ongoing sub-projects. See the publications.

Initiative members

Quebec consortium on knowledge transfer in pain research

RQRD initiativesENG 04

Director : Anne Marie Pinard

This initiative specializes in the mobilization and application of knowledge in pain management by patients, family caregivers and healthcare professionals. In order to present scientific and medical popularized and adapted content to the specific needs of the various stakeholders, a portal will be developed to bring together in one place all the useful resources for the self-management of pain. See the publications.

Initiative members

Quebec consortium on judicious opioid use

RQRD initiativesENG 05

Director : Gabrielle Pagé, Marc Martel

Its goal is to understand the factors that facilitate the judicious use of opioids in persistent pain. The team assesses opioid consumption, studies needs and assesses the role of complementary approaches in developing a support system for patients. See the publications.

Initiative members

technological platforms

Technological platforms are common tools available for members in their individual research projects, for partners to foster their work and for the network’s strategic initiatives to generate new knowledge. They are led by senior researchers and provide high quality technical resources and services to members.

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