Education and exercise for shoulder pain
Jean-Sébastien Roy, physiotherapist, professor at Université Laval and member of the RQRD, and Marc-Olivier Dubé,…
Carmen-Édith Belleï-Rodriguez guest on Beau dans ma tête
Carmen-Édith Belleï-Rodriguez, psycho-educator and doctor of health sciences at the Université de Sherbrooke, was a…
The voice of student researchers
These webinars will take place every Monday from 12 noon to 1 p.m., and will…
Let’s Talk About Pain podcast
The Quebec Pain Research Netowrk (QPRN), in collaboration with the Quebec Network of Junior Pain…
NAPS 2024
NAPS offers opportunities for scientific training, professional development and networking with peers in a non-laboratory…
Modulation of SK channels via calcium buffering
This video describes the modulation of SK Channels via calcium buffering that tunes intrinsic excitability…
Exercise and pain
This video presents a review of the evidence for the impact of therapeutic exercise in…
Exercise and chronic pain at the transcriptomics level
This video is a description of a research project that Ivan Chumakov, a student in…
2023 Relève étoile Jacques-Genest award
Marimée Godbout-Parent received the Relève étoile Jacques-Genest award from the Fonds de recherche en santé…
Phenotyping Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain in Adolescents
Don Daniel Ocay presents his dissertation work on the Alan Edwards Center for Pain Research…